The EXpendable Coconut oil..

Is Coconut Oil Worth the Hype? Have you heard about the new “miracle food”? Oh, you’ve got to try it. Did you know it cures cancer? And whitens your teeth? And prevents Alzheimer’s? It also reduces inflammation and improves your memory. It even clears your skin! What am I talking about? Why, coconut oil, of course. Coconut oil is being hailed as the next big thing, and its purported benefits seem never-ending. Perhaps you've read about coconut oil’s miraculous properties on the internet, or maybe a family member or friend espoused its greatness. But is coconut oil the real deal, or is this another case of a trendy health food getting overblown? STACK investigates. Coconut Oil Nutrition Facts Before we talk about the benefits of coconut oil, let’s look at its basic nutrition facts. One tablespoon of coconut oil delivers 117 calories, 14 grams of fat, 12...